You can visit the new "Ressie Spread Shirt Shop" if you would like to purchase a T-shirt and show your support for the R.E.S.S.I.E. program. Our goal is to raise awareness of the existence of this creature. We are also actively trying to photograph and possibly even capture this animal to prove to the world once and for all that Ressie is indeed a living, breathing creature. If we can prove that Ressie is alive, then we can hopefully have the entire Ross Barnett Reservoir set aside as protected habitat for this animal. The markup on these shirts is very minimal. All money collected from the sale of these garments will go toward buying gas for our research vehicles, maintaining our supplies of Deep Woods Off® and most importantly purchasing Honey Baked Hams™ to bait our traps which as of this writing are 65 strong. We appreciate your support.
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Stay in touch. But please keep it clean for the kids.